sHOULD i BUY A SERGER? Serger 101

Brother 1034d Serger (Overlock)

How hard is it to learn to use a serger?

A serger is also known as a overlock machine. And no, it’s not very hard at all. Just keep reading.

What does a serger do:

Sergers have 3/4 thread system that is used to finished edges, hems and especially critical for sewing knit fabrics. Sergers have a knife that will cut and finish edges. A serger can do a 4 thread over lock, a rolled hem, and a flat lock seam.

What can’t a serger do?

A serger can not create a hem. For instance like what you’d see on the bottom of a tshirt. They typically look like 2 rows of stitches on the exterior and loops of thread on the interior. For that you will need a cover stitch machine. You can learn more about those here.

What do I use my serger for:

The top two reason I use my Serger for is finishing the seams of woven fabrics and sewing knit garment. I think this is really critical step for me to give my garments a clean and professional look. But that is just my opinion.

Is it difficult to learn how to use a serger:

The hardest part about using a Serger is getting it threaded and ensuring your tension are correct for the fabrication you are using. It actually took me a very long time to be comfortable re threading my Serger. But I am here to help so you wont be nervous as long as I was.

The Brother 1034d has a color code thread system that’s helpful. Also has a guided map on the inside to help.

What do I need to use a serger?

Just thread! Cone thread is ideal because a Serger uses a lot of thread. But all purpose thread will work as well. And some patience.

Cone thread great for a serger

Parts of the serger

Part of the serger

Parts of the serger

How to thread your serger

Upper and Lower looper of Serger

Serger Settings


Can a Serger Replace My Regular Sewing Machine?

  • They’re like BFFs – great together but with different talents. Sergers can’t do everything a regular sewing machine does, but they add that special touch

Can I Use Regular Thread in My Serger?

  • Totally! Regular sewing thread works just fine. Just make sure you're using the right kind for your fabric.

What's a Serger Machine Anyway?

  • Imagine a sewing superhero! A serger machine is like that. It sews, trims, and finishes edges all at once. It’s super for making clothes look neat and professional.

Are Sergers Super Expensive?

  • Prices vary, but you don’t have to break the bank. There are sergers for every budget!


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